

Brand Interpretation

Zhejiang Boner Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Two skeletons are selected to construct the joint of human skeleton. The superimposed shape highlights the strength of the skeletal system.
The overall shape is similar to the Red Cross, showing the medical attributes of Boner.
Blue represents the maturity and stability of enterprises, while red represents the public welfare attributes of the industry.
The shape of the two bones closely revolves around the "BANGER" and is an integral whole. It represents that the chain hospitals closely revolve around the group to realize Boner's ideal of orthopaedics.
罗源县| 厦门市| 建湖县| 鄂托克前旗| 怀仁县| 双流县| 丹东市| 栖霞市| 沾益县| 台北市| 定结县| 崇信县| 桂阳县| 新绛县| 潮州市| 阿尔山市| 基隆市| 辽源市| 潍坊市| 南阳市| 贵德县| 杭锦后旗| 石棉县| 竹北市| 巴青县| 汉阴县| 北辰区| 清水河县| 海阳市| 高淳县| 越西县| 都匀市| 长武县| 台北县| 万宁市| 宁明县| 东安县| 海阳市| 江源县| 措美县| 黔东|